2nd Edition of the FIS Africa Youth Peace Summit

About the Summit

The second Africa Youth Peace Summit of Firdaous Integrated Services Limited (FIS) was held on Saturday 26th June 2021 with the theme: “THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN PEACE
MAKING AND PEACE KEEPING IN AFRICA ”. The Chief Host was Mr. Abdulkareem Azeez, President & Director of Studies at (FIS), while the session was moderated by Miss Adeke Mary Joy, FIS Media Manager. The Chief Guest of the Summit was Barrister Ameenah Ibrahim who is a Barrister & Solicitor of Supreme Court of Nigeria. The Summit invited Five (5) Speakers from youths civil societies, private sector and academia. They are; Mr. Mwila C. Bwanga Youth Governance & Leadership Expert – Zambia; Miss Patricia Peace Ejang Law Student & Youth Activist – Uganda; Mr. David Tobi Oyesowo Lawyer & Youth Leadership Expert – Nigeria; Mr. Peter Maswi Co-Founder Generation Engage Network – East Africa; and Mr. Mark Mwalimu Mwake Founder Bariki Foundation – Kenya.

Summit Details

Any Continent whose substantial population consists of Youth should be happy and at the same time worried. Happy because those Youths can be used as instrument of growth, social engineering and political stability by productively engaging them in all sectors of the economy. Similarly, it should be a cause of worry because such huge chunk of the population, if not properly coordinated can be misused as political thugs to cause instability and breakdown of law and order within the country. Over the years, the continent of Africa has witnessed series of bloodshed, political crisis, military overthrow of civilian leaders among others, and in all of these, the actors are always people within the age bracket of Youths. It is against this background that we have organized the second Youth Summit focusing on the role of youth in peace making and peace keeping in Africa. This topic is carefully chosen with the sole aim of interrogating how responsible are the youths in ensuring a safe and conducive continent. We have selected experts who are themselves youth to dissect the topic, review the role youths have so far played in ensuring peace in Africa and what do they need to do going forward. It is therefore our hope and expectation that at the end of this second summit, far reaching recommendations shall be provided to address most of the conflicts in Africa and how to manage our disagreements and differences without bloodshed.

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